Camille Lowhar on behalf of Nathan's branch of the Tyson Family tree 16th December 2021

We are grateful to our dear cousin Rupert (Tookie) for ensuring that the Trinidad Tyson family was introduced to his dear daughter, Melanie. He was elated when we finally got together in person in Trinidad. We took up a project to start documenting the Trinidad Tyson family tree and would certainly complete this document of these important foundation family roots. Our dear cousin Rupert set out on a path to connect with as much of his Tyson family as possible. Family was important to him and so he embarked actively in the social media world, establishing connections with as many of the many Tyson cousins and second cousins as he could. While not a frequent engager of the social media space, he made sure to always check in on what was happening at home with his family and to reach out to Camille for updates. We did not think that this tribute would be imminent. We are grateful to have shared time and space with him in this life. We shall always remember and cherish our beloved cousin Rupert and ensure that warm and loving memories of him would keep our company as the Tyson family continues the journey forward. Representation from - The Nathan Tyson branch (1st cousins Barbara, Lynette, Kathleen, Timothy, 2nd cousin Camille and other cousins) - The Charles Tyson branch (his aunt Christine (Tyson by marriage to Charles) Roach at 95 years old and 1st cousin Frances and other cousins) - The Herbert Tyson branch (1st cousin and God daughter Hermia Tyson - Cuffie and her 6 siblings and other 2nd cousins)